Get Out of Debt!


Welcome to my blog! My name is Navita and I live in New York City! I have a beautiful family and I work full-time at a lending firm. As a middle income earner, I know the true struggles of being a middle class working professional and…

Best Websites For Job Search

In the world right now wherein a pandemic is currently hurting the economy, a lot of people have lost their jobs. Since the COVID-19 outbreak has started many businesses have closed. This left a lot of households miserable. This is why

Budgeting For Dummies

When it comes to our finances, we must know how to manage them. This will ensure that you and your family will have a bright future. But this may not be easy for beginners. If it is your first time to do some budgeting then it could be

Payoff Mortgage Early

Mortgages can be a massive financial pain when they pile up. You have monthly bills to pay, you need to follow a strict budget, and you have to be disciplined or else you’ll pay more fines. If you’ve ever had a bad mortgage that you want

How to Get Out of Debt Fast with No Money

If you’ve ever felt that debt is making your life more difficult, then you’ll probably want to get out of debt as fast as possible. Debt can be crippling when you want to enjoy a better lifestyle, but how do you do that without any

Payoff Debt Faster

“What’s the fastest way to pay off debt?” This is a question that I commonly get asked about. While there are plenty of ways to pay debts faster, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. However, that doesn’t mean there isn’t an

How to Save Money Fast on a Low Income

A low income doesn't mean you can't achieve financial freedom. Many people succeed and become financially stable even with a small salary. Some have even started their own business and can leave their jobs anytime. What’s the secret to

How to Budget and Save Money for Family

Being the head of the household can be a challenging task. It’s often difficult to budget and save money for family when you have many expenses to pay all at once. You have to pay for your daily expenses, rent, medical needs, and many


A debt-free life may not seem as beneficial to most people, but the truth is that it's very much liberating. It’s a lifestyle that gives you peace of mind and financial stability. Your friends might be telling you that a debt-free