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Side Hustles For Extra Income 2020


In these difficult times, we must find a way to earn extra money. Since we are facing a lot of challenges nowadays particularly the COVID-19 pandemic, we must be ready.

Sufficient cash flow is crucial when the rainy days have started. Most especially if your income is not enough for your whole family. You are still lucky though if you still have your job. Numerous workers have been laid off because of the pandemic.

Many establishments are not allowed to operate if their industry is not all about essential goods. As a result, there is no income for a lot of businesses. The owners do not have any choice but to terminate some of their employees.

Here are some side hustles that you can do for you to sustain your living this 2020. Some are new and some are good old methods but will still be profitable this 2020.

Find some online jobs

Online jobs are getting popular nowadays. Some people do it full-time while others just do it on a part-time basis. If you have another job then doing it part-time will be enough.

You can use a lot of websites that offer online jobs. You just have to choose the right site and job for you. Once you have landed a job in any online site, you’ll be called as a freelancer.

Clients can be pretty hard to find at first. You just have to persevere. Good things always come to those who wait. Just continue doing your thing and you will surely get a client.

Flip used items

When you have free time, why not try to flip your things? You have unlimited choices as you can buy and sell anything you want. From mobile phones, cars, gadgets, etc. you’ll surely never run out of choices.

You can profit a lot from those things by buying them low and selling them high. You can find the items that you will sell online or referrals. The good thing is you can also post it online whenever you will sell it.

Some flippers buy items that are in semi-good conditions. They will refurbish it and sell it for a very high price.

Real Estate Agent

This crucial time of the year when a lot of bad situations are happening, it is the perfect time to be an agent. Cash is king right now. Many owners right now are selling their properties because they need cash. They need some emergency funds that is why they need to liquidate.

You can use it to your advantage by finding buyers and earning some commission from it. Do not limit yourselves to real estate too as you can also be a middle man for other niches. Some examples of this are being a middle man in the automotive industry.

Selling some homemade PPEs and masks

As we all know we are all facing a pandemic, this is why there is a huge demand for PPEs. Although making such things is easy, you must ensure that it is up to the standards. You must let it check by governing bodies, to ensure that your product is credible.

The good thing is you can use recycled materials in doing those products. For example, in masks you can use a water-resistant fabric and sew it according to the required size and shape.

You can help people with your products and at the same time earn money from it. What a great achievement isn’t it? It is just like hitting two birds in one stone!

Become a delivery guy

This is perfect for areas that are under general quarantine. Since the elderly are not allowed to go outside in some places. Take this as an opportunity to offer your services. You can help them buy their essentials. You will make them safe from the coronavirus and at the same time earn some money.

It is a little bit challenging at first if it was your first time doing such a thing. But rest assured that you can easily learn the whole process along the way.


Now you know the various ways to have some extra income this year, then the choice is yours. You just have to choose the best one for you. In choosing, you must consider if you can be able to do it. Aside from that, there are also other factors that you must consider such as the starting capital and your schedule.

The most important thing is to test it out and see if it is working for you. You will not know if you do not try it. You just have to do your best and be consistent.

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